

Do you want a strong core but hate doing sit-ups? Well, you aren’t alone. Everyone wants defined abs, but few people actually want to do boring sit-ups. The great news is that many different types of core exercises can get you the sexy, strong abs you want.

‌A strong core can help keep you healthy in more ways than one. Having strong ab muscles can prevent injury and help with balance and stability. Yes, having a firm tummy looks great, but it is also key to preventing lower back pain that affects many people as they age. A strong core is vital to every activity that your body does, and whether you are doing housework or playing golf, strong ab muscles will help your body stay fit and healthy.

‌Luckily, many different types of core exercises can help you build and maintain firm abs. Sit-ups are not the only exercise in town to keep that tummy tight. Here are five core strengthening exercises that are just as effective as the traditional sit-up. And if you are looking for more core exercises, check out the MyLifeWell app for more moves.

Toe Taps

Toe taps are a great exercise to get your body in shape. They activate the core muscles called the transverse abdominis and the rectus abdominis. This is a great exercise to get started with. But since toe taps focus mainly on these muscles, it’s best to combine them with other ab exercises to work your entire core.

‌Toe taps don’t require any equipment, so you can do them just about anywhere. First, lie on your back with your arms at your side. Lift your legs so they are bent with your shins parallel to the mat. Then lower one leg to tap the floor and then alternate legs. Make sure to contract your stomach muscles and keep your legs bent at a 90-degree angle.

To make this ab warm-up a bit more challenging, try to tap both toes at the same time instead of alternating legs.

Superman Planks

You are probably familiar with a traditional plank, which is a fantastic way to engage your core muscles. And the Superman plank takes this routine exercise even further. The Superman plank engages the deep core muscles and provides a more intense movement than the regular plank.

‌The Superman plank starts in a regular, high plank position — on the floor with your hands in front of you and legs hip-width apart. It looks like a push-up position, but you will raise one arm out and one leg out, alternating arms and legs instead of doing a push-up. For example, raise your left arm and right leg and hold this position for two to five seconds. Then return to push-up position — next, alternate arms and legs.

Dead Bug

The Dead Bug is a funny name for a great exercise. It works the spinal erectors and transverse abdominis. It’s an easy move and great for beginners. The dead bug stabilizes the core while moving your limbs in tandem. You can do it almost anywhere and only need a mat to get started.

‌First, lie on the floor on your back. Raise both arms in front of you and lift your legs and bend them to a 90-degree angle. Extend your left leg and right arm, then alternate and extend your right leg and left arm. Do equal reps of both. While doing this move, be careful not to move too quickly and be mindful of keeping your core muscles engaged.

‌Hollow Body Hold

The  Hollow Body Hold is a good move that specifically targets the rectus abdominis, the transverse abdominis, the quads, and obliques, making it a comprehensive, all-over move. It’s as easy as lying down on your back. The first rule is to keep your lower back on the ground; do not leave any space between your back and the floor. While keeping both legs straight, lift them off the floor and raise your arms above your head. Hold that position for 30 seconds, then lower and rest. To start, try doing two sets. This is an isometric exercise that won’t stress your joints.

‌Side Bend with Dumbbell

The Side Bend is the only exercise that requires a dumbbell. Stand with your feet apart and place one hand behind your head and grab a dumbbell with the other. Lean the dumbbell towards the floor and repeat. If you are a beginner, use a light dumbbell to start. Do two sets of ten on each side. 

These five exercises sculpt a strong core and create a strong back to help you move through your day, whether you are a stay-at-home mom, a triathlete, or both. Everyone can benefit from a firm core. You can find these exercises and many others on the MyLifeWell app