What’s a Virtual Retreat?
In the midst of the novel coronavirus and shutdowns around the globe, many wellness retreats are no longer accessible at this time. While you can certainly book a trip to take when this is all over, it’s simply not the safest time to travel right now. Even with all of these restrictions, you can still reap some of the amazing benefits of a wellness retreat.
Just like many things these days, wellness retreats have gone virtual. While you may not be able to soak in a new view from an exciting locale, you can feel rejuvenated, learn something new, and experience a connection with like-minded people.
What Kinds of Virtual Wellness Retreats Are Out There?
Just like with in-person wellness retreats, there are virtual wellness retreats focused on many different aspects of health. Many of the available virtual retreats focus on yoga, both vinyasa and yin flows.
However, you don’t have to be a yogi to find a virtual retreat for you. You can also find virtual retreats focused on:
- Meditation
- Weight loss
- Fitness
- Detox
- Nutrition
- Specific eating plans, such as vegan or raw
- Mental wellness
Some virtual retreats combine many aspects of wellness. For example, one may combine classes in yoga and cooking at home.
How Long Do Virtual Wellness Retreats Last?
Unlike in-person getaways, you won’t spend all-day-everyday in your virtual wellness retreat. Instead, many virtual wellness retreats are set up to fit around your daily life. Some last a few hours in one day, much like a seminar.
Other types of virtual retreats may last one or more hours each day for a few days or weeks. For example, a retreat could include one hour of live, virtual yoga classes each day for a week. Another could ask attendees to spend a few hours per day online with them for a variety of virtual classes. Before you book a retreat, be sure you know what kind of schedule to expect.
What Benefits Do I Get From a Virtual Wellness Retreat?
The exact benefits you gain from attending a virtual wellness retreat depends a lot on which one you pick. In general, you can expect to leave each session refreshed and rejuvenated. You may learn new things about your mind and your health, and then take those lessons into your everyday life.
While virtual retreats do not include a vacation to an exotic locale, they do offer benefits that in-person retreats do not. For example, you may be able to attend a longer-lasting virtual wellness retreat because you do not need to take weeks off of work. Some virtual wellness retreats last as long as six weeks. Just imagine how much your life can change after six weeks of nutrition coaching, yoga classes, and/or meditation sessions.
Furthermore, virtual wellness retreats allow you to test how your lifestyle changes work in real life. It’s one thing to practice yoga every day while you’re staying at a yoga-focused resort. It’s a whole other thing to create a daily practice in your home life. This goes for many other habits as well. By starting these habits at home, you can easily continue them after the retreat ends.